Hey guys! Sorry to go MIA on you. I’ve been experiencing some technical difficulties. NNothing major, and I should be able to have it fixed by the end of the week and resume regular posting. For now, I’ll do a quick frugal Fridays from my smart phone.
– the kids harvested about 5 cups of black raspberries from our yard. I froze them all.
– I mulched my entire garden with straw. It wasn’t as cheap as the free wood chips, but my husband has been way too busy to spend hours shoveling mulch into his truck for me. We got the straw for $5/bale and needed 5 bales to cover all of my gardens. Not bad! I’ve already noticed the plants looking mulch greener and more lush.
– we ate meatless multiple times this week.
– I made bread.
– I ordered a book off of Paperback swap using credits.
– I purchased the workbook that goes with our science curriculum (Sassafras Science) in ebook format so that I could pay for it once, but print it off multiple times for each of my school aged children.
– I was given a solid wood end table that is in great shape…just needs a little refinishing!
– we attended Mass at a closer parish this week, which saved gas. It was supposed to be in the 90’s on Sunday and our van AC doesn’t work, so we didn’t want the kids having to sit in the hot van for the 30 min drive to our usual church.
– I harvested more lavender to dry.
– I dehydrated 2 lbs of carrots to add to my food storage.
– We picnic’d at the beach.
– My mom paid for the 4 older kiddos to go to the carnival. This has become extremely expensive in our area ($4 for 1 kid to ride the merry-go-round !!). She found coupons to save money on the all you can ride pass and wanted to reward the kids for helping her with various projects!
Well, I think that’s all for now. Hopefully next week I’ll be fully operational in the tech department so I can share some pics!

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