I'm a little late getting this posted today- I've got 4 sick kiddos at the moment, so it's going to be short and sweet. Side note: There was a point in my day a couple of days ago where I felt like I wasn't doing enough. I felt like I should be doing *more.* I'd just finished reading a blog post from a fellow mom blogger whom I admire, and sometimes I have a tendency to let my imagination run a little wild. I imagined for a moment that her house was perfectly clean, that she (unlike me) was NOT still in her pajamas at 2pm, that her husband got to come home to a wife who was put together and maybe even had her hair and make-up done, and that she smiled joyously while driving her kids around to activities rather than sometimes being totally exhausted and overwhelmed by it like me. The crazy thing is that I had dinner cooking, bread rising, yogurt culturing, and the 6th load of laundry for the day going at this moment ... not to mention the school lessons and parenting I'd done that day, and I was STILL knocking myself down. How nuts is that? I really had to stop for a moment and redirect my heart. Sometimes I think we mothers are our own biggest drag. If you ever have moments like that, or if you're having one today, I wanted to share a scripture verse that I turn my mind to during those times. Successes: I made 2 loaves of bread. 1 batch each of crockpot yogurt and pumpkin maple walnut granola. We finally made it out to the Amish bulk foods store that is about 40 minutes from our house. We don't have food co-ops, LDS canneries, or much else for purchasing in bulk. We do have Sam's, but unfortunately there are just some things that Sam's doesn't carry....like rolled oats (which we eat a TON of)! There are places online that we could purchase from, but shipping anywhere east of the Mississippi puts the cost through the roof, so that's not really much of an option. I found 50 lbs bags of rolled oats at the Amish store for $28. They … [Read more...]