- Both our coffee maker and toaster oven died recently and we decided not to replace them. (Don’t worry. I have a french press coffee maker, as well as one of these things). I also have our camping percolator. Lots of coffee back-up.
I realized that I can toast things faster and in larger quantities under the broiler, and I prefer the counter space anyway.
- My grocery budget ran low about the same time we ran out of paper napkins, so I cut cloth napkins out of an old sheet (pictured above). I’ve been meaning to make a switch over to cloth napkins for a while anyway, but didn’t have the opportunity to purchase fabric or pre-made cloth napkins. Being in a situation where I needed to make do with what I had led me to my linen closet. I have a box of misfit sheets that was given to me a couple of years ago….perfect solution and didn’t cost a dime! I just cut them into 9inx9in squares, sewed right sides together, flipped right side out, and then top stitched.
- I was able to find turkey on sale for .48 cents per pound with no minimum purchase. I bought two for the freezer and hope to go back to buy a couple more depending on the budget situation.
- Our furnace has been off the last 3 days even though the temps have been in the 20’s. Our new pellet stove keeps us gloriously warm with the pellets we purchased on sale over the summer.
- We were given 2 gallons of milk. Our church Thanksgiving feast was earlier this week and they had an excess of milk. They offered them to all of the families with young children rather than letting it spoil.
- I processed 4 more of my pie pumpkins. There are still 4 or 5 more that I need to get to.
- We were given some baby items by a family friend. We’ll go through and see what we already have and donate duplicates to the crisis pregnancy center.
- I noticed some of our produce was going bad faster than expected, so I moved around the monthly meal plan to accommodate using them up before it was too late.
- We put up window plastic to insulate from the cold.
- That homemade yogurt from powdered milk that I mentioned last week? FAIL. I’m not sure what went wrong, but I don’t think I’ll be trying that again any time soon. It was gross. That was a waste of about 6 cups of powdered milk, so I wasn’t too happy about it.
- I’d like to get a couple more turkeys in the freezer before the Thanksgiving sales are over. I’ll need to talk to the husband about that.
- I’m going to go through some of our books and post some on and hopefully earn some credits to use toward books that I’d like for our home school.
- We need to organize children’s clothes. It’s bad. I’m looking into large family solutions for clothing storage and organization. I’ll likely end up buying some sort of shelving. I like what this mom has for her 5 boys. Since baby #5 is a boy, we’re going to have 4 boys in one bedroom….that’s a lot of dressers. We have sufficient space, if the space is utilized efficiently. Hopefully I can find good deals on the shelving (or whatever we decided on).
- Continue working on the handmade Christmas gifts.
So, how did you save money this week?
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Oh you did quite well this week. I had a failure with yogurt too this week. I tried to make it with Almond Milk (milk allergy). No luck and I was very sad. Money wasted but it was well worth a try.
Hi Vickie, you’re right…worth a try! I’ve read that you can only make almond milk yogurt with homemade almond milk. Something about the way commercial almond milk is produced makes it not do-able for yogurt making. Or something like that. I can’t remember exactly now as it’s been a while since I’ve looked into it. My kiddos are always sensitive to dairy until around age 3 then they inevitably grow out of it. Anyway, thanks for stopping by!
I’ve just come across your post from The Modest Mom blog, and I love it! I’m anxious to read some more (new follower!). I’m jealous of your turkey deal! I bought five turkeys for us this week for 88 cents/lb. to save money on meat for the next several months. I also have started mystery shopping to earn some extra money. Great article and tips!
Erin |
Hi Erin! Thanks so much for stopping by.
You did outstanding. Looking forward to following you. We have 4 children too. Praying for #5. But praying harder for financial stability.
Hi Teresa, thank you so much for stopping by! Your family is in my prayers.
Hi Teresa! Thank you so much for stopping by. Sending prayers your way for financial stability. God’s ways of providing for our needs never fail to amaze me. <3
Good morning Ashley. We also got rid of our toaster oven in order to create more sink space. The broiler in our oven toasts in a few minutes so there is no loss
I also wanted to let you know that this was the #5 most viewed post on the Art of Home-Making Mondays last week and was *featured* because of it. Thank you for taking the time to share with us. I love your content!
Thank you so much for hosting, Jes!
I love making bread and other things but I do take the lazy way out most times and my bread making pan died! I was beside myself on what I was going to do because the pans were more expensive then the darn machine and I just didn’t want to shell out $200 for a new machine even though mine was at least 10 years old. I went on Craiglist and found the exact model for $40!! I was super excited on the deal and the savings but I know that I should have taken to make it without it but I just love the bread maker!!! Coffee makers are easy to come by at thrift stores because there are so many people getting the new fancy ones so I am sure you will find another one if you need it super cheap!! Jealous of the turkey deal!! I had to do a $25 purchase to get $0.58 per pound. I should have checked to see if it was a limit of one turkey for that price but we are moving soon so I can’t stock up on so many big things especially of the frozen variety