- I picked some flowers from around the yard to enjoy in the house (in the picture above). I don’t plant much in the way of flowers. I pretty much only allow flowers in my yard that are easy to grow and come back year after year. I just don’t have the time to dedicate to flowers, unfortunately. I planted the hydrangea 3 yrs ago when we moved in, the sunflowers re-seeded themselves from last year, my mom gave me some zinnia seedlings this Spring because she knows I think they’re beautiful (she has such a green thumb!), and the cone flowers and black eyed susans are perennials.
- I have been harvesting red onions from the garden as needed.
- I made homemade kefir and then used that for soaking grains and also for smoothies (this smoothie was made with kefir, frozen berries from my yard, raw honey from my beekeeping uncle, and some kale powder that I dehydrated and ground up using kale from the garden.
- I made ginger carrots a la Nourishing Traditions
- I made a candle using some beeswax from my uncle’s hives (mine isn’t mature enough to take wax from yet) and a bit of tallow that I rendered from our beef order. I added 1 tsp of pumpkin spice for scent.
- I dehydrated 2 batches of kale and 2 batches of carrots for our food storage. I also purchased 40 lbs of dry pinto beans.
- I went to our local thrift store for a few items. They were having a 30% off sale on housewares and books. We got 8 books, 2 puzzles, a silicon bundt pan, a bag of wooden blocks, a sun hat for my daughter, and a pretty white planter for $20. Oh yeah…also a t-shirt for me because the baby had a poosplosion all over me in the middle of the store. #momlife
- I purchased a few cucumbers for .50 cents each from the veggie stand across the street. My cukes are coming in very late this year because I was behind schedule in getting them planted.
- I purchased a couple of backpacks from Rite Aid for $5 on sale for emergency bags.
- I canned 7 pints of sweet and spicy zucchini pickles with the zucchini that my husband’s supervisor sent home. I also have enough left to make 4 loaves of zucchini bread (grain is soaking now for that. Another Nourishing Traditions
- I harvested 35 heads of garlic. I plan to *at least* double my planting this year!
How did you save money this week?

If you don’t mind me asking, What do you put in your emergency bags?
Hi Nat! I’m not sure yet. In the past I have just put together packs of food for each person that fit into a 1 gallon size Ziploc bag (ramen, trail mix, jerky, cocoa mix etc for 72 hours). I keep 2 cases of bottled water under our van seats, and then another gallon sized bag with some duct tape, emergency mylar blankets, a 1/2 pint sized beeswax/palm oil candle (for heat and light), matches, water purification tablets, diapers/wipes etc. This all stays in our van either in the back cargo area or under the seats. We also have multiple first aid kits in there. I realize that this is rather lacking…but it was better than nothing and so it gave me some peace of mind. We didn’t have the money to spend on backpacks or lots of supplies, so this was mostly just what I had on hand.
This time, I’m trying to put something together that’s a little more substantial and put together. I’ll probably do a separate post when I figure it out!
Gorgeous flower arrangement! How great that the sunflowers reseeded themselves!!
I harvested a bunch of lettuce and some sugar snap peas. I’m DYING for my tomatoes to start ripening!!
Thank you!! And yes! One of my plum tomato plants has a couple of beauties that should be ready in the next 3-4 days. I can’t wait!!