A pregnancy update for those interested: I’ll be 37 weeks on Monday. Being stuck inside due to extreme winter weather has resulted in me gaining about 12 lbs more than I have in previous pregnancies (4 in the last 2 weeks)…and I still have 3 weeks to go. My midwife informed me today that I can’t go into labor early because she has to go out of town to help her daughter who broke her shoulder and needs help taking care of the kiddos. I won’t begrudge a grandma helping out her daughter and grandkids. And I don’t typically go into labor early anyway. Although the last one did come 9 days early…that’s abnormal for me. I’m having a hospital birth, so in the event that I *do* go into labor early, there will be an on-call OB available. I’ve never delivered with an OB, though. I’m hoping to hold out for my midwife. She’s delivered my last 2 babies and has been amazing.
Also hoping that we don’t get too much more snow, because that might make things interesting if I go into labor and can’t get out of the driveway. My last labor was only about 2 hours long…so, yeah.
I’ll be going for my pre-labor haircut and pedicure on Monday. Anyone who knows me would probably be surprised to hear me say such a thing. And it really isn’t a very frugal thing of me to do. 😉 I typically get my hair trimmed before labor because it’ll likely be a while before I can get out of the house alone to get it done once baby is born. And the pedicure? Yeah. I don’t even really enjoy pedicures because I’m horribly ticklish. But I’ve done it before my last 2 births and for some odd reason, having pretty toes really helps me get through labor. I know. It’s weird. I have big babies and have never had an epi or pain meds. And I think it’s just so abnormal for me to pamper myself in that way, that during a huge contraction (oddly enough) I’ve caught myself being slightly distracted from the pain and thinking, “Wow! My feet look really nice right now!”
… I can’t really explain it, but it works for me. And a pedicure is way cheaper than an epidural. So that’s how I’ll justify it. 😀
(And, side note, please don’t take this in any way as me bashing moms who do get pain meds during labor. That’s not it at all. It’s not a competition. We’re all different and have every right to birth the way we need/want without having to justify it to anyone. Your value as a mother and woman is not measured by how much pain you can tolerate. I have very, very easy births. My labors are as straight forward as they come, and I’ve just simply never felt the need for help. If/when I ever do have an extraordinarily long or intense labor, I won’t hesitate to ask for whatever level of help I feel I need).
- I knit 2 hats, a sleep sack, and crocheted a hat for the new little one using yarn that was given to me.
- I won an auction on Ebay for a history book that I’ll start using with the kids this Spring after our “baby moon.” The cheapest I could find the book was $21+ shipping and I won this auction for $4 including shipping. It’s a pretty beat up copy, but I’m okay with that as long as there are no missing pages.
- I made some Valentine’s Day goodies for the kids including these bookmarks which I printed and laminated, and these pencil Valentines. I also crocheted these cute little Love Bugs for them, and my husband picked up some candies on sale at CVS using ExtraBucks.
- We went to the Presidents Day sale at our favorite thrift store for a 50% off sale. We got 1 pair of jeans for each of the 2 older boys, 2 pair of jeans for the girl, 4 toys (husband approved these…not me lol), 5 books, 2 shirts and 3 sweaters for me…all for less than $35!
- My mom cut my daughter’s hair. She’s not a hairdresser anymore, but she finally agreed to cut M’s hair after I begged. We cut off 10 inches with the intention of donating it.
- At this point, there aren’t so many fumbles. More like calculated decisions to make my life easier because I’m too pregnatired. Yes. I made that word up. 3 weeks, folks. 3 weeks.
- Honestly? Don’t cave to the temptation to order pizza too many times out of pure exhaustion and crippling back pain. If I can manage that over the next 3 weeks, I’ll be happy.
How did you save money this week?
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