Oh my goodness! This winter has been tough on us with all the colds. It started the day after Christmas, and hasn’t let up yet. We’ve been doing all the natural and homemade remedies, but it just doesn’t seem to be cutting it. I finally broke down and pulled out the Lysol and bleach to disinfect the house when it became apparent that the vinegar and essential oils were not going to kick this thing. I also had to take the 2 year old to the pediatrician when his cold turned into pink eye and a bad ear infection. This is the first time in almost 4 years that any of my kids have been on antibiotics, just to show you how stubborn this thing is!
Since I’ve been running around for the last nearly 3 weeks either being sick myself or taking care of sick kiddos/husband, I haven’t accomplished most of the goals I’d hoped to accomplish. That’s okay, though. There will be time for projects and to-do lists later…right now my kiddos just need a mama to cuddle them and take care of them.
- We ate leftovers for several lunches and dinners this week. We’ve been eating a lot of soups, which I’ve made double or triple batches of because I knew I wasn’t going to have a ton of time to be in the kitchen with all of these sick babies around.
- I stopped for coffee after a midwife appointment, and they made a mistake with mine. They realized the mistake before they even handed me my coffee and remade it for me…and gave me both! So I was able to bring coffee to hubby as well.
- We used a gift card that we were given for Christmas to buy an organizer for our shoes. Our “mud room” is actually just a portion of our enclosed porch, and it’s been a major organizational challenge since we moved here 2 1/2 years ago. We’re hoping that this system will work for us because I am so sick of tripping over shoes every time I walk into the house!! (Pictures to come once we get it all organized…it’s been a slow process because we’ve been so sick)
- I’ve had most of our books packed away in our tiny storage space upstairs for the last 6 months or so because I ran out of shelving. I was able to re-purpose some shelving that we had around our house that wasn’t being used as efficiently as it could have been, and surprisingly found homes for all of our books with a little room to spare! This means we don’t need to buy more shelving (for now).
- I made homemade laundry spot treatment.
- Nothing that I can think of.
- I didn’t get around to making laundry detergent this week and I’m down to about 2-3 loads worth…so I really need to get on that!
- I’ll be going grocery shopping this weekend if I can manage to sneak out of the house (depends on how everyone is feeling). I was going to try and make this a smaller trip, but DH’s hours are getting cut at work again this week and probably next week, so I’m going to take the opportunity to stock up on some things while we have the money. I need to stock up on dry beans, flour, sugar, and a few other things.

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