I hope everyone is getting weather as beautiful as what we’ve had this week. It’s been so nice to open up the windows and let the fresh air in. The only downfall is that it’s been abnormally dry. I usually only have to water my garden a handful of times all year at the height of Summer, but I’ve had to water it several times already. Since we live in the Great Lakes region, water is really inexpensive. I don’t expect to see much change at all in our water bill (usually about $25-30/month for our family of 7). Thank goodness for cheap water. I’ve heard from many people in the United States that pay triple or quadruple that…so I am truly grateful. That in mind, I still dream of having our own water source someday in the form of a well. Successes and Blessings: I was given a bag of clothes that will fit my 2 year old son this Summer. I ordered some Jerusalem Artichokes to plant in my garden. These will produce tubers that are described as a mix between a potato and a water chestnut. They are native to the Northeaster U.S. and will produce year after year. I have hung most of my laundry outside to dry this week. I used the dryer for 3 loads total, which isn’t much when you consider that I do 2-3 loads a day. I am gradually weaning away from using the dryer at all, though. We had a potluck style cookout/birthday celebration for my son’s birthday on Sunday, and then we were invited to my dad’s house for a cookout on Memorial […]