Hey everyone! Still experiencing some technical difficulty as mentioned in previous post. Truth? The difficulty is that we reorganized our living room, which involved unplugging the … everything. Computer, TV etc. And my husband has been too busy to put much of anything back together. That’s what happens in Summer (well, life really). You get too busy. For anything. Between work, house repairs, car repairs, doctors appointments, dentist appointments, and, oh yeah, he’s taking college courses (I’m writing this on the laptop he uses for his coursework, which has none of my pictures on it)…we usually fall into bed sometime around 11pm having accomplished MAYBE 25% of what we planned for that day. But, that’s okay. We’re getting done exactly what God wanted us to get done. I recently read a post from Amongst Lovely Things titled, “I Am Not an Airplane.” And it totally resonated with me. I am not an airplane. The sky is not the limit. The sky is beyond my limit. I am finite; my time is finite. The ground is where God has planted me. Firmly. Quite beneath the limit of the sky. The smallness of my limit is real, and it’s humbling. I read this morning during my morning Bible time: 1 Peter 5:6 “Humble yourself under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you in due time.” There’s the list of things I’d like to get done, things I’d like to cook, clean or organize, skills that I’d like to learn, hobbies I’d like to spend more time on, ministries I’d like to be a part of, books I’d like to read my children. […]
All things related to our Catholic Faith
A Baptism!

I just wanted to share some pictures from when we had our littlest one baptized on Divine Mercy Sunday (the Sunday after Easter Sunday). He was baptized along with his cousin, our newest God Child, who was born about 2 weeks after him! It was a very special day for our family, and yet another reminder of God’s amazing grace in our lives. FacebookPinterestE-mail