Cleaning supplies can be pricey and full of mystery ingredients/chemicals. I wanted to share some of the homemade cleaners that I use on a regular basis in my house. ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Dishwasher Detergent: 2 parts Borax and Washing Soda 1 part salt and citric acid (I buy mine here) Use 2 tablespoons per load. I find that using vinegar in the rinse agent compartment helps prevent water spots or cloudiness. Laundry Detergent: (This usually lasts us about 4-5 months for our family of 6, plus we cloth diaper) 3 bars grated soap (I usually use Fels Naptha) 1 Box Borax 1 Box Washing Soda 2 containers of Dollar Tree OxyClean Combine in a large plastic tub and use 2 tablespoons per load (we have a top loader, non-HE washer) Multipurpose Cleaner (I also use this as glass cleaner): Equal parts vinegar and water. Sometimes I will add 20-30 drops of essential oils (lemon, eucalyptus, tea tree, lavender etc.), or infuse the vinegar with citrus peels for added scent and cleaning power. Combine in a spray bottle. Stain Spot Treatment: (Recipe from One Good Thing by Jillee) 2/3 cup dishwashing soap 2/3 cup ammonia 6 Tablespoons Baking Soda 2 Cups warm water Mix all ingredients and combine in a spray bottle. Apply to stains the same way you would any other spot treatment. I have successfully removed these types of stains from our clothing so far: Melted crayon (dryer incident) chocolate tomato sauce a grease stain that had already been washed and dried Underarm sweat stains Dirt Porcelain Sink Cleaner: Baking Soda 2 tablespoons of bleach diluted in 2 cups of water I absolutely hate having a porcelain sink. Especially one that's white! It constantly has scuff marks, coffee stains, tomato stains etc. I've tried lots of different ways to clean it, and this is what has worked best so far. … [Read more...]