So I’ve had this blog running since the end of 2013. Sometime in 2014, I changed over from Blogger to a self-hosted website on WordPress, using Bluehost for my hosting. I don’t really understand what all that means (my husband steps in when it starts getting too techie for me). It’s all over my head. I do know that being self-hosted gives me more freedom to use this blog the way I want to.
Here’s the whoops: I’ve been getting e-mails from some of you for the last several months, but I didn’t realize it. You see, I thought I had set it all up to be forwarded to my personal address. I wasn’t getting e-mails, but that didn’t surprise me, because I’m no big-time blogger. I don’t expect that people will be e-mailing me often. I’m totally blessed by the comments that you all leave me. So I was just going along writing articles, approving the sweet comments that I get from you guys, but not thinking twice about the fact that no one was e-mailing me. But you were! You were e-mailing me. And I wasn’t responding. I feel terrible. It’s because the forwarding address wasn’t set up properly (apparently). So today when I logged into my hosting account thingamabob and clicked “check your inbox” not expecting to see anything except maybe some spam…there were e-mails there! I’m slowly going through and responding to all of you. I’m sorry!!

I should try the same thing. I don’t think I’ve logged into my Blue Host account since I signed up for it about a year ago!