Outside my window…
It’s evening now, so it’s cool and I can hear the crickets chirping. It’s actually too chilly to even have the windows open. I looked at the last day book I did in April. Almost exactly 2 months ago, and it was snowing on that day. It’s not quite that cold now, but we have had lots of rainy days in the 50’s.
I’m thinking…
About curriculum and lesson plans for next year. Do you ever do that? Just barely wrap up on year and already you’re ready for fresh curriculum? We’ll probably do some light math and daily reading this summer, but I don’t intend to do anything else really. I loved this post by Sara Mackenzie about Summer being time gained…not lost. Time to relish in your children, read, rest, and just be.
I am thankful…
For a husband willing to volunteer to take a 3 week work trip away from home so that we can have the extra $ for some projects around the house. These particular projects are things we need to do to get the house ready to sell. Our goal is to move to the country in 2 years…and that’s really not a whole lot of time to get several big projects done!
In the school room…
We’re just finishing up. Maybe a week or so left. We’d be done by now, but we got a bit behind when we had a month of the stomach flu in our house, and then a baby being born via unexpected c-section, and then another round of the stomach bug.
From the kitchen…
My grandpa made me a bread box! Isn’t it awesome?! The handle is a deer antler. I love it. I LOVE it.
Mulberries! (jam and mulberry rhubarb muffins)
In the garden…
I’ve harvested all of my spring beets and replanted the area with carrots. I harvested the rest of the garlic scapes. I see a few baby tomatoes! Onions are coming along nicely. Lettuce is growing very slowly….don’t know why. Same thing happened last year. Peppers are growing slowly, too…and turning yellow. I ordered some organic fish and seaweed fertilizer in case it’s a lack of nutrients. I haven’t added any new compost to the garden yet this year, so that could very well be the case.
The kids also mentioned harvesting some black raspberries today. I’ll let you guess what happened to those…. 😉
I am praying for…
- A mama at my church who is terminally ill. Her and her husband have 4 beautiful young daughters and my heart just aches for them. Please keep them in your prayers as well!
- I’m also sending up prayers of thanksgiving. I have a sleeper! yes! A baby that actually sleeps! This little guy is such a blessing to me. He is the happiest, most content little guy…and he sleeps! The earliest any of my other kiddos slept through the night was 8 months. My 2 year old was up every 2 hours until he was 14 months old. No, I never read any of the sleep training books. I don’t have anything against them, I guess I just doubted that they’d work for us. I just prayed and prayed that this baby would be a good sleeper, and God said, “yes.” And I praise Him for his goodness. Amen. Thank you. Amen. 😀
I am working on…
- Getting my beehive set up. We made a split from another hive, including a virgin queen (watched her hatch myself!) and a few queen cells…and lots of bees, obviously. When we checked 7 days later, there were still bees…but no evidence of brood. So we combined it with a couple of other weak swarms and a swarm cell from another colony to give it another chance at a queen. It’s late in the season to get a new colony going, but we’re not giving up yet!
I am reading…
The Fighting Ground with the kiddos.
I am listening to…
Nada. The house is quiet. So quiet. And it’s wonderful.
Some plans for the next week…
- Paint the beehives.
- Beekeeping lesson.
- Tie up some loose ends in the school room.
- Drop off a few bags and boxes at Goodwill. Take the kids in to book hunt if everyone is behaving. 😀
- Weed and fertilize the garden.
- Hopefully get enough black raspberries from our canes to make some jam…if the kids don’t get to them first! Plan B: Go strawberry picking. Maybe. Maaaaaybe. Either way, we need more jam for the pantry.
I never want to forget…
The look of confidence on my oldest son’s face when he is playing baseball. He’s typically very timid and shy, but he totally comes out of his shell on the field!
and this little guy is pretty cut, too.
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Congratulations on having a sleeper! It really makes life so much more pleasant, doesn’t it?
My beets take FOREVER! What kind did you grow/harvest?
This year I planted chiogga beets. Last year, I direct sowed the same variety but in a raised bed. They took allllllllllll Summer. Literally! This year I started them inside in peat pods and then transplanted them directly into the ground. They were ready in less than 60 days! That’s what gave me the idea to try it with the carrots, too. Hopefully it works out just as well.