We’re in the thick of planting season now that the cold weather has finally subsided. Winter had no intentions of releasing its grip on us this year. It was a long, cold, dark winter. Spring has sprung, though. Last week we had nights down into the 30’s, but today is sunny and in the mid-80’s and there are no frost warnings in the future.
I wanted to post some of what’s going on in the garden at this point. This isn’t everything, though. I think I’m actually going to start doing my garden updates as vlogs instead of blog posts. I think a video would do a much better job of showing you what we have going on.
The black raspberries are doing well. I planted 4 brambles 2 years ago, and 2 more last year. This one was planted the first year, and it’s the only one that has ever survived. I attribute this to the very harsh winters we have had the last couple of years. I plan to take cuttings and start new plants from this one since it’s apparently very strong. We have lots of clusters on this one plant. It’ll be a nice snack in another month or so. Not enough for jam, though.
This is one of my brussel sprout plants that we purchased from the farmer’s market. I’ve never grown these before, but we’re excited about them! There are some shallots planted in this bed as well.
Beets. I love beets.
This is an assortment of fig trees that I purchased from Baker Creek Seeds several months ago. They’ll be transplanted into 5 gallon buckets today. Figs don’t normally grow well in my zone 5b climate, but I’ve read that you can bring them into a garage or basement to help them survive winter. We shall see.
The garlic is thriving. It should be ready to harvest in about a month. I planted this at the end of October.
Some onions.
Sugar Daddy Sweet Peas. I can’t wait to harvest these!
Rhubarb in a large pot.
And strawberries. I planted these last year in a small 2ft x 3 ft box. I’ll probably transplant some runners into a larger bed this year.
I’ve been busy getting my tomato and pepper plants into the ground this week. My carrots never germinated, so I’ll be replanting those and also starting some zucchini and butternut squash. I also saw a good number of blossoms on our 4 blueberry plants in the front yard. I’ll plan to cover the rest of the foodstuff growing in the vlog. So keep an eye out for that.
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Looking good! I’m growing Sugar Daddy peas this year, too. They’re one of the few veggies my husband enjoys eating.
This is my first year growing them. I grew shelling peas last year, but quickly realized that I’d need a LOT of pea plants in order to provide enough for a meal for my family of 7. lol! Maybe I’ll try that again someday when we have more land. But I think my family prefers the sugar snap peas more anyway.
I have a blossom on one of my tomato plants already!
That is awesome!! I saw some blossoms on the pepper plants that I planted, but I don’t think I have any tomato blossoms yet.